Shopper Behaviour
Do you need to better understand the purchasing decisions of your consumers vis-à-vis your offer and that of your competitors? Overcome declarative biases, resulting from interviews or focus groups, not always in line with the reality of their behaviour in stores or online? Rely on real purchase factors to optimise the concrete presentation of your product or service, or even the point of sale itself?
The strength of our approach is to always contextualise an offer in its sales environment, i.e. to take into account all constraints and dimensions (e.g.: information hierarchy) that will impact the shopper’s behaviour, beyond the single product / service.
Test & learn design in the sales environment
- Packaging
- Digital interface
Optimising the merchandising plan
- Comparative evaluation of the performance of an offer according to different merchandising plans
Improving the performance of the point of sale
- Optimising access to information and advice
- Identification, evaluation and optimisation of hot and cold zones of the point of sale
- Iterative eye tracking retail (design in test & learn of the sales environment)
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