Decode weak signals to detect upcoming trends
Deftly harnessing foresight and insight empowers us on two levels: we are able to identify current challenges, understand weak signals and gain deeper knowledge of uses, as well as understand the current and future social, economic or political context of perception.
Such expertise forms the bedrock of our Open Pilot methods.
By embracing this double perspective, that of the present and the future, we can hone our knowledge of your projects’ ecosystem and identify the challenges, future probables and forthcoming disruptions, on a user and a more macro level alike.
At the agency, foresight and insight are often combined with strategic planning and analysis, in order to turn these weak signals detected into powerful value-creating drivers to boost brand leadership.
With Open Pilot, Design Thinking and Market Research are mutually enhanced. Both of these disciplines inform our creative processes with agility, making the deliberative process user-centric.
Flux de marque
Think outside the boxto envision the solutions of the future- Clarify your audiences’ expectations and needs with insight
- Learn constructive lessons that can be put into practice
Our offering
Consumer trends
Mapping and clustering
Futuristic, utopian & dystopian storytelling
To contend with brands’ myriad challenges and anticipate future developments, it is sometimes worth thinking outside the box. Forward-looking studies, futuristic storytelling, predictions, mapping of macro-trends, utopian & dystopian futures… The creation of new types of stories is an opportunity for our teams to rethink their brand challenges in desirable worlds by disregarding the normal technical and operational restrictions.
By thinking outside the box and shedding the application tools, we can refocus on our vision, mission and purpose to more clearly grasp tomorrow, facilitate breakthroughs or develop an action and change management plan depending on an envisioned ideal.
These new forward-looking formats used within the agency are also an inspiring and innovative way to rally all of a project’s stakeholders round the same problem and to bring a wide diversity of roles (R&D, marketing, communications, sales, HR, etc.) together during workshops or simply team-building exercises.
Online platform (Qual/Quant)
Web listening
Co-construction workshops
Expert insights
The methods we use at the agency to collect insights are wide-ranging and require an empathetic approach with a view to expanding knowledge in all sorts of areas: from understanding needs to the motivation for buying a new product, from consumer habits to conditions of use, from observing uses to user experience… Drafting questionnaires and interview guidelines, scenarios, ethnographic or ethological approaches and so on.
Our experts design the study protocols and select the samples in a bespoke manner for each project based on the targets and key issues with a view to collecting richly informative data whilst endeavouring to avoid bias as far as possible.
Once the data has been collected, its analysis delivers not only psychosocial and cultural lessons but also constructive ones, which can be put into practice in terms of the brand and its future options.
Iterative Eye Tracking
VR merchandising analysis
Location virtualisation