
Having been present in the Swiss market for several decades, with the LC1 probiotic yoghurts, Lactalis Nestlé Chilled Dairy Switzerland has now decided to rejuvenate this range by modernising its visual identity.
Looking for experts in brand strategy and branding, Nestlé entrusted this project to the Logic Design agency back in 2019.
At the time, LC1 had a brand platform which was well-defined, but not comprehensive. Thus arose the question of its coherence with the brand’s visual identity and positioning, which remained to be determined.
The LC1 yoghurts with probiotics were seen has healthy products, but did this positioning correspond to consumer needs?
The teams at Logic Design and Lactalis Nestlé Chilled Dairy Switzerland conducted exploratory work to find the answer to this question.

It was particularly important to take into account the specificities of the local market in order to better respond to consumer needs.
The results showed that this yoghurt, which is rich in probiotics, was not only good for consumers’ health. It also tasted great, according to the consumers. Its creamy texture and intense flavour come fruits in their natural states, along with benefits for the digestive system.
In order to lean on this positioning and re-anchor LC1 yoghurts in their market, the Logic Design agency features the word “Probiotics” at the centre of the brand design.
Thanks to the co-creation workshops and consumer squares led by Logic Design, Nestlé Swiss has been able to rewrite its storytelling and the functional and emotional benefits of the LC1 brand, and to define several creative approaches for it.

LC1 now has a modern and streamlined identity. This new identity highlights the “real” and natural aspect of its yoghurts through the visual naturalness of its fruits and the simplicity of the design, on top of the functional benefit.
In February 2023, Logic Design completed a second overhaul of the visual identity with a new functional benefit: “Immunity and Vitamin D”.
The reinforcement of the immune system through Vitamin D and calcium was central to this new identity.
Called “Immunity”, this yoghurt range still has its creamy text and intense flavour, whilst contributing to the well-being and immunity of its consumers.
Available in stores as of February 2023, the brand is excelling on all print (packaging, leaflets) and digital media with its slogan “Same recipe, added immunity”.

Lactalis Marketing Award
In 2022, the LC1 brand won the Lactalis Marketing Award for the "Renovation" category. This award is the result of the hard work and collaboration of the Logic Design and Lactalis Nestlé Chilled Dairy Switzerland teams!"